
and olives

La ciencia y las aceitunas
The social and gastronomic relevance of olives in Andalusia, and in Spain in general, makes it be an object of scientific interest in our country, both to control and improve the production, and for the cultural and ethnological revaluation of the olive.
According to various fields of research, we can find some studies on this topic.

The history of the grove in our region

The studies focused on the historical development and the ethnological link of the grove in our region has been prolific, and indeed it is nowadays. Some of the most interesting articles about it are:

The olive as an ethnological, gastronomic and cultural product

As the main interest of the grove, the olive has been an object of lots of studies that can be divided in two categories: biochemical and ethnological. They use to focus on the varieties of olives, their organoleptic properties, their transcendence in the Andalusian gastronomy, the different possible uses or their specific needs of production:

The total selling volume of Manzanilla Olive was almost 31 mill kgs of table olives and 2 mill kgs of olive oil in 2019.