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Packaging:TIN A10
Net weight:2900 G
Drained weight:1560 G
Logistic info:* See palletizing tabs
Description:Manzanilla Olive
With a late maturation, this is one of the most cultivated olives due to its versatility and strength. It can be used to produce olive oil and also as a table olive. It is for this reason that is receives a great deal of attention in the research and development (R+D) process applied to the fields of Sevilla.
Ingredients:Manzanilla Olives, Water, Salt, Lactic acid and Citric acid.

Produced by: Manzanilla Olive, S. Coop. And. de 2º Grado. Ctra. Utrera – Los Palacios km 3,5. 41710 Utrera – Sevilla – España. T.+34954863395